Pooling Resources in an Improved Environment

Goethe Center for (High) Technology

Go4Tec is an initiative of the Goethe University Frankfurt that provides a framework for Goethe Competence Centers (GCC) to offer the best possible service to internal and external users. This core facility enables efficient management of the existing equipment, reporting and strategic acquisitions.

Go4Tec will develop a sustainable strategy for the organisational and operational framework to the best support cutting-edge research while ensuring state-of-the-art quality assessment. This will allow new GCC to be easily integrated to remain at the forefront of current developments.

Recent News


Website Launch: Go4Tec

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Goethe Competence Center (GCC)


(Frankfurt Center for Emerging Therapeutics)


  • Cellular and Phenotypic screening

  • Protein Production

  • Medicinal Chemistry

  • Genomics and genetic perturbation screens

  • Computational Biomedicine

  • Proteomics

To the competence centre


(Frankfurt Center for Electron Microscopy)


  • Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Single Particle Analysis
  • Cryogenic Electron Tomography


  • Sample preparation:  automated plunge freezing, high pressure freezing, cryo- and room temperature ultramicrotomy,  etc.
  • Microscopes: FIB/SEM (Helios, Nova600...), TEM (Krios, Glacios, CM12)...


To the competence centre


(imaging Center for Advanced Light Microscopy)


  • Microscopes:  diverse portfolio of fluorescence microscopes with various modifications

To the competence centre